Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A mind is a terrible thing to waste….

A mind is a terrible thing to waste…

The catchy-cliché tagline, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste…studies show that your kids can lose what they’ve learned over the next two months for summer…” Each time I hear this sylvan learning’ promo, it resonates and reminds me, just because I’ve graduated from college, it is no time to stop learning. I’m choosing to avoid the blues of not being in school anymore. Yeah sure, we all say, on the mornings after our all nighters that we hate school and can’t wait to be done… yet when we are done we say man, I wish I had more access to my friends. The truth is, we’re never really happy with what we get, which is what makes me keep working for what’s next. Last August, going back for my senior year of college was brutal. Yes, life in Sunny San Diego can still be a downer, that’s just life. But I’d been living, working, and having a ton of fun in Hollywood and I wasn’t ready to leave. A lot of the semester I whined about the friends of mine I missed in LA… so just about the time when I began to whine about missing my friends in San Diego (I’m currently in Columbus, Ohio) I reminded myself…here in just a few weeks, I’ll be back to the city I love, the City of Angels.
Those Sylvan commercials though, haunt me like a bad fun-house experience. I’m somewhat obsessing over NOT slowing down, yes, I need a break (after working three jobs and going to school full time) but I still don’t want to become comfortable or lose what I’ve learned just because I’ve moved, but instead, learn more. That’s why I’m spending ample time in front of the tube. In college, I was on TV more than I ever had time to watch it. That’s not bragging, it’s just an example of how much time I didn’t have for nonsense entertainment. Yesterday I had a free afternoon and I literally watched seven episodes of The Hills, it just made me miss California mostly, but it was nice to see the characters again that I’d never had time for. Speaking of characters, I’ve been hanging with the fam a lot and catching up with my old Ohio pals. It’s honestly amazing to me how people and things change. Sometimes it’s a bummer, but by this point, I know how to move on. Some amigos I’ve been chatting with this past year via text and social networking, we’ll talk about how we can’t wait to see each other or ‘hang when I get home’…it’s almost time for me to head back west, and some of those people I haven’t heard a word from or have ignored. On the flipside, I’ve met a few people here while out and about, and we’ve hung out on several occasions. Funny how things work out sometimes right?
Everything is an adjustment, it’s how we learn. My sister, her kiddos, and I hit up the Groveport Pool on this insanely sweltering day and we ran into a couple my niece’s classmates; I was stoked, I love those little ladies. After an exhaustingly fun day in the water with the kids, and tan time during Adult Swim, I could barely keep my head up on the car ride home but found myself singing to the song RadioU was playing. It was the first time I heard it and I sang it like I knew the band, quietly of course. The lyrics were ones I knew I wouldn’t forget because they were so strong, so full of life but unfortunately hours later, those lyrics were left somewhere in my state of exhaustion. It didn’t hit me till later that I totally could have ‘Shazammed’ that song on my far-too-expensive-new phone. Fail! Like I said, everything is an adjustment. I’m used to having a gangster dumb-phone only capable of the simplest of tasks such as texting and talking. And a phone that when I pull it out of my purse people would usually respond with “dang… do you have an upgrade soon?’ or “oh, my 8 year old brother has that phone…”. Awesome.

That's all for now... bye bye <3


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