Just When You Think Your Day(life)Can't Get Any Worse...
My best friend was calling, I was stoked to hear from her! I answered the phone in a goofy tone, just to be embarrassed for doing so after I heard the voice on the other end. The phone call no one ever wants to hear…and one that’s dreaded to make. It was her fiancé calling on the behalf of my friend to inform me that her mom had just died. I felt sick. I just spent this past Thanksgiving with them in Arizona and I was looking forward to seeing my friend and her mom during my visit to Ohio. I was supposed to see the both of them a couple weeks ago but because I couldn’t get a ride (my car is in California) it didn’t work out. Thoughts and images overwhelmed me and before I could thank him for calling, I broke down, sobbing. I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. Why was this real?
I couldn’t sleep at night. I just kept thinking why why why? Why did this have to happen… I needed to see my friend, but of course, I couldn’t. She lives on the other side of town and people here are selfish. Thinking about my friend and how she must feel and how I have to be away from her… it’s a hurt I can’t describe. I hate it. And some stupid part of me keeps thinking maybe there’s been a mistake maybe I just dreamt this but no, it’s as real as the person (my sister) in the other room who sits there numb to the devastation that has stricken me. Aside from one text message the day I found out about my friend’s mom, she’s expressed no concern for me. I’ll sit here by myself and just cry. Today is the day I’m going to the showing of my friend’s mom. I’m a mess.
This will be the first time to see my friend since I’ve been back and this is in no way a way I would wish for us to see each other.. My mom wants to come with me, thank goodness. I need strength, I can’t hold myself together. I needed to wash my face, the water was shut off. I went to check the mail to see if there was a notice of when it would be back on, but instead I found something that would make my sad-started day—even worse. It was from the Malibu Sherriff’s office. Shit. A few months ago my freakin car broke down on me up in Malibu and I left it in a friend’s neighborhood because it wouldn’t drive for more than two miles without overheating and attempting to blow itself up. I freakin had to work every dang weekend the past semester and was just overloaded with working three jobs, finishing stuff for graduation, and attempting to sleep. My family came out for the last few days and graduation so I was constantly busy with them. My original plan right after graduation was to move to LA for the month before my job started but the people I was moving in with were wishy-washy with rent-numbers so to save money, I booked a flight to Ohio instead. Long story short, my broken car has been in that neighborhood for awhile.
I called the Sherriff’s office, which’d sent me the notice, and they directed me to the towing company who had apparently towed my car. Oh awesome, because I hadn’t looked at the notice in depth at that point, I was unaware they actually towed it . Someone in the neighborhood had reported it and because my friend supposedly was out of town, didn’t see the ‘abandonment notice’. The guy from the towing office was a real jerk, and he totally yelled at me. I wasn’t even rude, I just had a lot of questions. He told me a whole lot of crap and that at the standing total right now… I owe them $544 plus $32/day and my flight isn’t until Tuesday which will mean when all is said and done it’s going to be $736. So much for saving money by coming back to Ohio.
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