You’ve seen them, all kinds. You know, a physical association comparison made subconsciously when the guy with the large schnozz and less-than-tiny ears walks in the room and all that comes to mind is-- the cutesie Disney pal, Dumbo.
Whenever I see a person who greatly resembles the twin sister or brother of a horse, a gorilla, or even a llama, these are the human-animal associations I try to keep to myself. It’s much more acceptable to tell someone they look like something cute, like a puppy. But why? People don’t want to be told their ugly, even if they know they are. Which brings to me to the koala, they LOOK super cute, but that's only the beginning of it... Koalas are adorable and an animal one may be pleased to be called. But what people really don’t know is that these cute little Australian marsupials are nasty little fellas and carry some major baggage.
First of all, these guys are SUPER lazy. They literally sit around "e ‘rest motionless for about 16 to 18 hours a day’ and most of that time is spent sleeping. On top of that they can be highly aggressive towards each other and gnash those little teeth in each other’s faces. The most accurate human comparison I can make is that of koalas are similar to the middle aged human. They sit, they eat, they sit some more, they bitch, complain, and then when that all gets too much for them, they just go back to sleep; or for humans, they go on vacation.
Next off, koalas can’t make up their mind. They spend the majority of their lives hugging Eucalyptus trees but then when it comes to someone picking them up to give them a hug—don’t even think about it. Koalas can suffer tree-separation-anxiety but that hardly means they want a human substitution.
Speaking of substitutions… when these little guys enter the world, of course they’re picky and can’t just order the plain eucalyptus off of the menu. No. They have to have momma order a helping and deliver it to them directly via bacterial fermentation which takes place in the digestive process which means—yup you guessed it—for the first days of their lives, they have poo poo for breakfast. Cocoa puffs anyone?
You may think twice next time. As for me, gross stuff and baggage aside, I still want a pet koala.