They come in all shapes and sizes through words or maybe actions; goodbyes.
Some can be emotional and include great physical contact. Others are like a
cold-read from an actor who belongs behind the lens. Like suitcases, each one serves the same purpose: a place to carry belongings that are somehow essential to the owner. Patterns and sizes may vary but luggage is luggage.
Arrive at the gate, and then the wait. Staring at complete strangers becomes
acceptable and appropriately re-termed 'people watching'.
Everyone is coming or going and that's just a fact of life. A redirection of focus onto
others may mask personal anxiety but does not eliminate it. What
is he thinking? Who is she going to visit?
"flight 1284 service to
San Diego California will begin boarding 1st class at this time", is heard from above.
Were words spoken that needed to be? Was enough time granted to the
longtime land dwellers who potentially may get a one-way to be with
the lord upon your next arrival?
"passengers in all four zones may now board the plane"
why didn't I....
28a. Window seat. A catch 22. A great view and only one neighboring
seater. But passing on the 3rd water offer from the flight attendant
may be beneficial when the seemingly narcoleptic lady
passes out after two sips of her cocktail
Time for take off. Hold on, brace yourself for turbulence, and
pray you land safely at your next destination
I like the imposition of the boarding calls on lines like "Others are like a cold-read from an actor who belongs behind the lens" and "Patterns and sizes may vary but luggage is luggage." They balance each other well.