I find great amusement in stereotypes. Now before you discontinue reading or call me a jerk, let me explain. Tonight I went to Zumba. Normally when I go to Zumba, I’m stoked, ready, and full of energy. Tonight I was feeling extremely sick but, dancing generally makes life happier. I went to the Sherman Oaks 24 Hour Fitness tonight as opposed to the one in Panorama City. For those of you not from SoCal, it’s like this: Sherman Oaks is to Easton as Panorama City is to Whitehall. Anyway so I walked in and the teacher was white and not extremely fit, I knew that meant trouble. At the Panorama City location I go to Bettzy’s class. Clearly by the name, she is somewhat Latina. The definition is Zumba, “.. fuses hypnotic latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program”. When someone of the nationality of the origination of the dance teaches it, you can assume it will be a good time. Bettzy is amazing and on top of that she is EXTREMELY fit. This white girl Zumba instructor was TERRIBLE. I probably got more of a work out when I took the stairs instead of the elevator up to the gym. But I tried to have fun anyway. Here’s another stereotype, the girl in front of me, thankfully was black, so when the white instructor jacked up her moves I was confident in the lady’s skillz in front of me to follow. It was a good plan. I stereotyped her, and I was glad I did.
Another one, some say that people are stupid—it’s our humanity, we all do stupid things. I’ve been extremely sick lately which makes me tired, extremely forgetful, and unable to think. I accidentally stole the parking spot an old dude in an SUV was waiting to get into right in front of his eyes. So because we humans do things that are SO stupid, I always find myself capturing ‘Humanity’s Stupidities’ on camera so on future blogging sesh’s you can find pictures taken via my cell phone of stupid things people have done. If you stumble upon humoring and/or entertaining stupid acts, please send the photo to me at jessicabobik@gmail.com and I will post it.

What else what else? Well I’ve been back in Hollywood for three weeks now and have been going to my MOST FAV church ever www.realityla.com it’s seriously one of the best places ever!! For those of you who don’t know… normally during the summer I work at Christian summer camps such as www.campneosa.com and www.humelake.org/ but if you haven’t worked at a camp before, you should know that it is not only a very REWARDING summer while at the same time being one of the most difficult summers of your life. It’s not like a normal job when you work 9-5 and then go home and do whatever you want afterwards, often times it requires you being to work by 8:30am and working around the clock until the late hours of the night every day, six days a week. It gets tiring. But when you work for the LORD, He completely blesses it. They’ve been the greatest summers ever for me, but this summer God had some different plans for my life—I knew that this summer his keywords for me are LEARN and GROW. I was really excited when I realized this but also quite aware that learning and growing require a lot of work, heart, sweat, and tears. It fascinates me seriously, every single day how and who God shows up through. One of those people that come to mind right now is my cousin Greg. He is absolutely great. He’s young enough to still be hip and cool, but old enough to have great depth, knowledge of life, and wisdom. He’s a bff to me and like a second dad. You have those kind of people in your life, they are more precious than gold, never take that for granted; they are a GIFT.
That’s about it for now folks, I’m sleepy and definitely ready for bed and this was a completed with-no-editing-or-revision-blog so…hopefully it’s cohesive enough for ya. Peace and Blessings <3
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