Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh I believe there are Angels Among Us

I’ve been doing a ton of thinking which is both a good and a killer thing. Bittersweet, if you will. On several occasions this week I made a decision that life sucks and I just wanted to quit. Of course this was definitely not the first time that thought has crossed my mind and if you’ve known me for more than a week, you know that haha. It’s not that I’m suicidal and want to end life, don’t think that, no no way! But have you ever gotten to a point in life where you’re just like seriously? Oh my gosh, things are SO BAD right now… I don’t even know what to do…I have nothing. And that’s when I was reminded how amazing The Man Upstairs is and that Love will find you where you are….

“There are angels among us…sent down to us from heaven up above…And they come to us in our darkest hours.”
In my times of trouble I was immensely blessed by the angels surrounding me…so I looked it in the ol’ dictionary. When I read the definitions it gave me the eeby jeebies because these described to a “T” about what I had in mind about these wonderful people around me. And the cool thing is angels don’t have to have a glowing aura (though I feel that some do lol) and they don’t have to be sitting right beside me to be ‘with me’. Friends sprinkled throughout multiple states have chipped in lately and made sure I was making progress towards feeling better.



3. a messenger, esp. of God.

4.a person who performs a mission of God or acts as if sent by God: an angel of mercy.

5.a person having qualities generally attributed to an angel, as beauty, purity, or kindliness.

6.a person whose actions and thoughts are consistently virtuous.

Speaking of Angels… something absolutely genius on God’s part is how (they mention this in “The Shack”) someone can bring out good in another. The reference made in the book is that everyone has a certain colored spark but yet no two sparks create the same interaction as they do with someone else. So how person A can make you feel amazing and provoke great thought…but yet person B just doesn’t quite bring out the same thing. To me, that is amazingly crafty. One could say wow humankind is sweet! But really….it’s God: 10,000 points. Man: Zero. I love it J

Back to Life. Back to Reality.
Life isn’t easy. Never has been, and never will be. In the past I have heard people say “I don’t want to grow up…I want to go back to being a kid…” but really? Was life EVER really easy, even then? You started out screaming and crying until someone would provide you with a dry bum and a piece of plastic holding nasty warm milk inside… then later came the fights over who got the big wheel and I bet you don’t recall but.… THAT WAS A BIG DEAL!!! So it’s interesting how life changes. Do you ever have a situation where you’re like oh my gosh...why the heck is this happening? This is absolutely terrible..and then end up learning something from it? That’s the worst..and the best. Why can’t learning be easy right? Haha. It is amazing though when God provides the perfect person at the most appropriate time to assist you in making one more baby step forward. Oh this crazy life! Hehe. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving…I’m super thankful for you

“Oh I believe there are angels among usSent down to us from somewhere up above……To guide us with a light of LOVE

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