Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Earthqu--EASTER! - Filming IN PROGRESS

Do you love Easter?
I do!! It struck me as interesting that for the third consecutive year, I’ve been in a different state, away from the fam. But last year I was with my brother so that was coolio. First I was in Florida (with Elyse and friends :) ), then last year in South Carolina, and this year California. Each year for this lovely holiday I participated in activities very cliché for that state so I figured hey, I’m in California this year so obviously that means I should go visit the Pacific at one of my favorite spots, Sunset Cliffs! I planned on doing this from 3pm to 430pm, and I decided on this time frame at 2pm. It got to be around 230 and I had this overwhelming feeling… I was like you know what? Going to the cliffs, I’m going to be alone anyway and…I really just want to and spend this day with God and worship him through song… after all, it is Easter and my favorite day to sing to God. (And record myself on my laptop just to make sure it sounds okay haha.) At 3:30pm I decided it was time to shower for the day. No actually…you know what sounded better? Putting my clothes away…I had a LOT of clothes to put away.
What is that rattling outside? Geeze it must be windy, those branches are hitting the window and making an odd sound—It’s getting louder! Oh my gosh… did someone just push me? What am I thinking? Oh my gosh, why am I losing my balance. The shelves are shaking, my books are about to fall!! Oh my gosh, this is AN EARTHQUAKE!! I’m screaming! Can anyone hear me? Wait , I can’t hear me… Wait can I? Screams inside can be more terrifying than those heard a loud. Oh my gosh.. I need to talk to someone… Dave. Dave will answer. He’s used to me calling and freaking out. No answer. Melissa? Yeah! She’ll answer for sure! How crazy of a call to receive—“There’s an earthquake, RIGHT NOW!”
Isn’t it something….. to know…that you’re loved? To know you’re loved by a God who knew exactly what was going to be happening at 3:40pm. He who put the idea in your head to sit and chill with Him in your room and NOT go visit the ALREADY unstable cliffs near the ocean during a 7.2 on the Richter scale [The Haiti earthquake was a 7.0, killed 230,000 ppl], natural disaster? Or to say hey, maybe you should put your clothes away and then go shower. Being in a shower during an earthquake could have caused serious injury and an even more terrifying experience. An earthquake is something I’ve always been like ‘Yeah! I want to be in one, that’d be sick!” Though when it happened…I was just hoping it wasn’t going to last long. Whew. Praise God for His goodness.
My friend Andrew and I are shooting our film THIS Saturday, April 10th, and I am INSANELY excited!! We’ve had a ton of preproduction time ( a producer’s dream come true ) and I think we’re going to pull it off!! If you want to help the day of the shoot, you would be AMAZING, so just let me know if you’re interested :). I really need someone to take photos, (ahem Nikki Jimenez you’d be amazing lol).

It’s about a lonely Bigfoot who snatches a pretty girl to be his new BFF in life and she whines for him to go get her puppy who’s tied to a tree and of course he wants her to be happy so he does.
She ends up being ridiculously obnoxious and awful AND starts falling for Bigfoot. He sees that she’s a nutcase and kicks her out of his house and steals her puppy! The end. The man playing Bigfoot is a professional actor, who is 6’3 275 lbs and will be made-up by a professional Cinema FX Make-Up artist, Haylee McFarland. The lady playing the role of the annoying girl has a rocking South African accent and is absolutely hilarious. And the puppy is going to be one like my best doggie I had, a West Highland White Terrier :) <3. We also have a FANTASTIC location set up, it’s going to be absolutely insane. God has blessed this project so, I’d be super excited for anyone who’d be interested in helping :). If not, you’ll def have to watch the final product!! :)
--- QUOTE TIME!! --
This is one of my favorite segments because… I just love funny people and the funny things they say.

(Context: Initial SKYPE call with Matt on Easter Sunday)

“WOAAAAAAHHHHh YOU obviously didn’t go to church this morning!!” (LOL)
-Matthew Barnes

“Long story short, but this 25+ girl was hitting on me….Jess, tell me…could she be a German Shepard?!” -Brandon Morales

“If I was a girl…I’d definitely be the one dancing up on the bar… wait, that and crossed with the one playing pool.” -Josh Marble

“It's okay to be smitten. We don’t need to fix that. You need to redefine ‘problem’.” -Dave Vandergriff

(Context: Mimicking one’s non-verbals during a conversation) “Oh my gosh yeah, my mom can’t watch kissing in movies, she says she mocks their puckering while she’s watching it.” -Anonymous

“Wait so… he was nervous and tried to blow you off but he couldn’t? Just saying lol” -Denise Rodriguez

“Wait….WHAT? How does HUETH know?” -Nicole Andelfinger
- My Favorite Facebook Photo -

*Courtesy of Chris Alexander's page* ___________________________________________________
That is all, my dear friends, I love you and have a great day, you deserve it :)