So I've officially decided that I need to stop being lame and get on this whole blog-bandwagon! I used to be pretty great at it...and then life happened..but anyway no more excuses, let's get down to the amazingness!
I'm super tired right now and kind of want to hang out with people but I may conk out on them. So instead I'll just talk about the people who I think are amazing while they're not around. Here are some quotes (that have occurred either via face-to-face conversation, text, etc). These are the little joys in life that I love to write down's a constant reminder of how awesome God is to make people as crazy, funny, talented, and exciting as he did. That and fortune cookies, I love to keep those too! haha.
"Ah..gosh...I really hate that.. I CANNOT STAND seeing wedgies"
-Andrew Price
"Yes, Alvin like the chipmunk...and he hates that"
- Hani Yang
"You two seemed to have developed a very nice rapport...Uh huh!"
- Josh Marble
"I cannot wait for friend love time!!"
- Erika Scopelli
"I'm starting to get really sweaty, and I can't tell if it's because I'm nervous or just hot"
- Leah James
"People in Johnstown, they stay there. End of Story"
-Britt Hayward
" you ever think about how much other stuff we could buy if we DIDN'T buy burritos?"
- Andrew Price
"Yes, I have your diary...I've been meaning to get that back to you...but I just keep reading..."
- Dave Vandergriff
So maybe you found some humor in at least some of that, I sure hope so! I'm REALLY bummed that my camera has not been working but I promise as soon as I fix that situation,
Also lately... it's funny how things happen to you..but you really don't understand why until later..maybe it's a minute later, a day later, or in some cases even a YEAR later! seriously absolutely insane the way He has completely crafted your life together like one big massive puzzle!! It blows my mind almost everyday and sometimes for the entirety of a day. As most of you [may or may not] know, my life is always crazy, and not even in a bad way--it's just crazy. One thing I'm actually really missing right now is LAFSC...I never thought I'd say it, but I do. I miss it. There are some aspects of it I would never wish to have back..but man...some of the people I left there knowing...I'm not understanding the great impact they've had on me as a person....gosh. God is just nuts. and I love it! :).
It's super exciting that this is Easter week!! What greater holiday could there be...than one that recognizes Jesus coming back from the dead!!? I don't know how you feel about horror or zombie movies but... this is the REAL DEAL!! I love it. It's spring time, it's beautiful outside. Just think of all of the things you have to be thankful for :).
I'd like to go on... but I'm super exhausted. Maybe dinner and a powernap are in the near future for me. Until next time...
Stay Classy.
Have a nice day.
And if you're reading this... that probably means you're wonderful. :) *Forgive me if I said anything too wishy-washy or stuff that didn't make sense...I'm in a daze, that's for sure.*
Peace :)